Saturday, March 2, 2013

Connecting any interstitial provider with Admob mediation

Admob mediation provides a way to code your Android app to include banner or interstitial ads just the once but to change the networks supplying those ads on the fly.

I'm going to show you just how easy it is easy to write an adapter that can receive interstitial requests from Admob mediation and serve up interstitial impressions from an ad network.

We need to implement CustomEventInterstitial which performs all the work.

  • requestInterstitialAd() retrieves an ad
  • showInterstitial() displays that ad
  • destroy() performs any cleanup

One thing to remember when retrieving your ad is that you need to notify the mediation layer about whether retrieval was successful or not. So you attach a listener to the ad and when the listener fires, relay that event back to the mediation layer via the mediation listener. Also, if for any reason your network has no ability to retrieve an ad (eg wrong SDK version) then you should report the failure back to the mediation layer immediately so that it can ask the next ad network in the queue for an impression.

Here's the source for requestIntersitialAd()

Pretty simple! And to display the ad is even easier.

There's no really much to cleanup here, so that's all the coding.

Make sure to:

  1. Include the libraries for your target network when building your app 
  2. Add Proguard config so leave you mediation adapter intact as the Admob mediation layer will be looking up it via reflection. 
  3. Create a CustomEvent in you Admob mediation config that points to your adapter and passes in the network id for your app.

So now you can serve up ads from any ad network all via Admob mediation. Full source code for the above along with several other mediation adapter and an example app can be found at


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Simple Google-OAuth2 from a Java client

OAuth is a powerful way to ensure that clients have access to appropriate resources, and the Google OAuth libs do a lot of the heavy lifting for you. But while the doco is pretty good I found it lacking when looking for the most appropriate way to authorize for a simple Java (non-web) application and that's probably to do with the rate at which this area is moving.

It turns out that there are excellent classes in the Google libraries to make OAuth absolutely trivial, in fact it's really only 3 lines:
  1. Construct your AuthorizationCodeFlow
  2. Construct your AuthorizationCodeInstalledApp
  3. Ask the InstalledApp to authorize the client
Here's the full code listing:

Now to make this happen you're going to need to include the relevant Google libs. You can find lots of good info about the libs here google-api-java-client, google-oauth-java-client and google-http-java-client.

The libs necessary for the above are: